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Training and Business Development Advisory Services

Afrione Microfinance provides advisory services for the business community. This service focus on investment opportunities, business plan development, preparation of financial statements for SMEs and general business advisory.


Afrione Microfinance works with clients to build capacity for following responsible finance practices, closely coordinating this work with Afrione’s investment arm. For Afrione Microfinance embedding responsible finance into the DNA of financial institutions allows for a client centric approach in delivery of customized services for households, and micro, small and medium enterprises.


Also, we offer mindset and motivation categories. The greatest threat to human development is the Mindset, the choices that a person makes, the choices to dream big or not, with this in mind Afrione felt it needed to support entrepreneurial initiatives through a mindset change program.

Head Office:

Tropical Building

Po Box 35641

Opp TRA Mwenge

Dar es Salaam

+255 767 892 714

Working Hours: 

Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm

​​Saturday: 9am - 2pm

​Sunday: 9am - 2pm

Morogoro Branch:

Morogoro Rural District

Mikese Ward ( Several villages in the Ward)

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