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Investment Opportunity in Afrione Microfinance

Investment returns in the microfinance industry are very promising. The demand-supply gap for microfinance products and services is still high given low financial inclusion and access to capital in the country and especially the poor households. Tanzania’s macroeconomics remain relatively strong with annual economic growth rates projected above 7%, one of the fast-growing economies in Africa. Investing in the microfinance industry has both positive and significant social and economic impacts on society.


Afrione Microfinance is one of the fastest growing microfinance companies in Tanzania, is planning to invest in technology and deep its lending in agriculture loans, especially with women and youth.


It is currently mobilizing both equity and long-term debt funds under private placements to selected investors/strategic investors both in the country and abroad. Funds will be mainly for increasing our lending to women and youth, especially in agriculture sectors and other funds will be invested in technology to simply lend and increase control of expanding business.

Why Investment in Afrione Microfinance

Innovative and dynamic company- Afrione Microfinance continues to develop various products and services by providing customers solutions in the most efficient and effective ways. The objective is to ensure that the products and services offerings match the dynamics and changes in the market.


Strong corporate governance –Afrione Microfinance strongly believes in the professionalism and wants to run a business by complying with both business ethics and requirements of laws.


Strong and ambitious management team- Afrione Microfinance has well and experienced and knowledgeable management that is able to understand customers’ requirements and provide customer-oriented solutions in the most innovative ways.


Unmet demand for microfinance products and services- the industry presents one unique investment opportunity as the demand for microfinance products and services is still high compared to the supply side. The current rate of return is above 25% per year.


Stable political and strong economic growth – Tanzania enjoys relatively stable political stability and strong economic growth with good investment opportunities in mining, oil and gas, infrastructure, manufacturing, and agriculture.

Let's Work Together

Contact Person: Eugenia Kibasa - CEO

Mobile: +255 767 915 646 / +255 767 892 714


Head Office:

Tropical Building

Po Box 35641

Opp TRA Mwenge

Dar es Salaam

+255 767 892 714

Working Hours: 

Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm

​​Saturday: 9am - 2pm

​Sunday: 9am - 2pm

Morogoro Branch:

Morogoro Rural District

Mikese Ward ( Several villages in the Ward)

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