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Group Loan

These are small business loan facilities designed to provide customers with easy access to funds for their working capital needs secured by the solidarity group guarantee. The insistence on solidarity Loans is group guarantee and presence of actual economic activity of members. Solidarity groups are formed by 5-10 members, known and willing to guarantee one another for amount of loan taken by each member in the group. They meet twice a month at designated place for reviews and training by Afrione credit officers. Loans are taken gradually starting with small loan amounts and later increase based on repayment of previous loans. These are provided to agriculture loan products and small businesses loan products.

Apply for Loan

Head Office:

Tropical Building

Po Box 35641

Opp TRA Mwenge

Dar es Salaam

+255 767 892 714

Working Hours: 

Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm

​​Saturday: 9am - 2pm

​Sunday: 9am - 2pm

Morogoro Branch:

Morogoro Rural District

Mikese Ward ( Several villages in the Ward)

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